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Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon Charity Programme 2025

Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2025


JMHF has been lucky enoguh, to be able to take part in the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon Charity Programme 2025, and has been given number of spaces for the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2025, in order to raise fund. ​


The programme not only to just raise fund for our mental health services, but to also encourage the public to build a habbit of doing sports regularly. This can reduce stress, stablise emotions, and improve overall mental health. This also helps poeple maintaining the 'never giving-up' motivation when doing anything, and keeping positivity when facing problems.


We kindy invite everyone to participate, and contribute to improving mental health issues.

Donation Purposes

Joyful (Mental Health) Foundation is a non-subvented NGO. By participating in this scheme, we aim to raise fund for our mental health support hotline, mental health therapy, providing more services, education resources, ultimately to provide more ways for the public to improve their mental health.

Event Details

Date:9 February 2025 (Sunday) 

Class:10 km Individual (Non-challenge group)

Minimum Donation:HK$1,800/ participant; HK$8,000/ 5 participants 

Application Deadline:15 November 2024 

*For more details, please go to

*limited space only 

Due to high volume of responses, our quota is initially full. Those who have completed this form will be on the waiting list and will be notified of the result by 30th September 2024.

Minimum donation:HKD$1,800/1 participant; HKD$8,000/5 participants

Application Process

Fill in the Online Application Form (This form is for registration purposes only. Place is not garanteed until donation.)

After recieving you application, JMHF will send a notice to the provided email address.

Participant shall follow the instructions on the notice, in order to complete the donation, and send the donation reciept to 5404 3525 via WhatsApp.

After receiving participants' donation, JMHF will send a confirmation email within 5 working days, which includes the registration link and the organization ID.

Participant are required to go to the registration link and register themself with our organization ID, by 22nd of November. 

Successful applicant will recieve a confirmation email, including our organization ID.

After verifying personal infomation, Standard Chartard will send a email to all charity participant, informing their marathon classes and start time. 

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