Registration Instructions
Please read carefully and clearly understand the event rules. For details, please refer to the event "Terms and Details”
The 5KM quota is now full, thank you for your support.
3.5KM Walk is still accepting registrations, welcome to join us.
Online registration:
Please fill in the Google Form registration form, select the payment method below then upload the bank deposit slip or screenshot of the transaction record to the form in order to complete the registration.
Alipay Hong Kong: Click Here (Donors must have the Alipay HK app installed on their mobile phones)
FPS: Payment system identification code 169120177
Mail a cheque: Please make the cheque payable to: Joyful (Mental Health) Foundaton
Direct Deposit Account: (Account Name: Joyful (Mental Health) Foundation)
(1) Bank of China: 012-882-0-004522-8
(2) Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited: 354-82-03266-1
(3) HSBC: 411-406747-838 (If you choose HSBC, please use the ATM or online payment )
Register by mail:
Registration form download: Click here to download
Mail a cheque:
Please make the cheque payable to: Joyful (Mental Health) Foundaton
Bank donation:
Name of the bank account: Joyful (Mental Health) Foundation
(1) Bank of China: 012-882-0-004522-8
(2) Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited: 354-82-03266-1
(3) HSBC: 411-406747-838
Please fill in the registration form and return it together with the check or bank deposit slip to our address: Rooms 1001-1003, 10th Floor, New Treasure Centre, 10 Wu Fong Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon. Please indicate on the cover: "«Joyful Charity Run and Walk 2025»"